List of News

MOVING successfully participated @ the Open Science Barcamp
On 18th of March, the creators of the MOVING MOOC Science 2.0 and open research methods, Sabine Barthold and Franziska…

MOVING successfully presented at the Pharma Day event
Know-Center organised a Pharma Day event on the 13th and 14th of February 2019 at KC’s premises with the goal…

New MOVING lecture video fragmentation technologies in VideoLectures.NET platform
The developer of the VideoLectures.NET portal, JSI, is part of the MOVING consortium, which has been working on developing new…

Registration for the 2nd round of the MOVING MOOC is open!
After a successful 1st round of the MOVING MOOC “Science 2.0 and open research methods” with approx. 150 participants there…

Lecture Video Fragmentation Dataset and Ground Truth
We provide a large-scale lecture video dataset consisting of artificially-generated lectures, and the corresponding ground-truth fragmentation, for the purpose of…