List of News

MOVING successfully participated @ the Recommender System Challenge 2018
MOVING participated at the ACM Recommender System Challenge 2018, organized by Spotify, The University of Massachusetts, and Johannes Kepler University.…

Registration for the MOVING MOOC is open!
MOVING is organising a MOOC on “Science 2.0 and open research methods”. In the MOOC young scholars will learn to…

MOVING paper successfully presented @ TIR 2018
The 15th International Workshop “Technologies for Information Retrieval” (TIR 2018) was held in conjunction with four other conferences and two…

A paper with the title: “Digging for Gold: Motivating Users to Explore Alternative Search Interfaces” by Angela Fessl, Alfred Wertner…

MOVING successfully presented @ UNESCO’s Open Education Design Course
UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning at the Jožef Stefan Institute and University of…