List of News

MOVING at ACM Multimedia 2016!
CERTH is going to present at ACM Multimedia 2016 a new transfer learning approach that leads to better concept-based video…

MOVING at ICIP 2016!
CERTH presents a new machine learning method that takes the input data uncertainty into consideration during training. This method is…

MOVING paper at ESWC 2016 is now available online!
MOVING project paper at the EU Project Networking Session of ESWC2016 is now available online under the EU Project Networking…

Newspaper article about MOVING at unizeit!
Newspaper article about MOVING at unizeit. On 16th of July 2016 Professor Dr. Ansgar Schrep from ZBW presented MOVING in…

Successful participation at ESWC 2016!
Successful participation at ESWC 2016. The MOVING project participated with an own presentation at the EU Project Networking Session at…