1st MOVING platform prototype is publicly available!
1st MOVING platform prototype is publicly available!

The first prototype of the MOVING platform is now available to the public! The MOVING platform enables its users to improve their information literacy by training how to exploit data and text mining methods in their daily research tasks. The MOVING search engine provides scalable real-time search, supports multiple document types, different file formats and different programming languages. Faceted search allows to retrieve various kinds of documents such as scientific articles, books, video lectures, and metadata. Graph visualisation highlights relations among documents and related entities (authors, organisations, etc.) and offers an alternative way of exploring search results. Nevertheless, a classical search list is still also featured. For example, the user can click on an author name and retrieve all docu-ments authored by this person. To ensure a smooth user experience, dedicated tools allow us to sepa-rate different authors with the same name or connect different versions of the same document. The Adaptive Training Support provides illustrated feedback to the user in order to help her get familiar with the platform and all its features (for example by recommending features the user has not tried so far).

You can try out the platform at http://platform.moving-project.eu. Don’t forget to send us any feedback that you might have!