Welcome to our third Newsletter
I S S U E :
Welcome 1
plaorm proto-
User require-
ments and user
History view 2
to-search widg-
URank visualisa-
Concept Graph 3
MulEdTech 4
presentaons in
MOVING paper
awarded @ EICS
Brief news: re-
cent and up-
coming events
Contact details 6
1st MOVING platform prototype is publicly available!
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7
I S S U E 3
The rst prototype of the MOVING plaorm is now available to the public! The MOVING plaorm
enables its users to improve their informaon literacy by training how to exploit data and text mining
methods in their daily research tasks. The MOVING search engine provides scalable real-me search,
supports mulple document types, dierent le formats and dierent programming languages. Faceted
search allows to retrieve various kinds of documents such as scienc arcles, books, video lectures,
and metadata. Graph visualisaon highlights relaons among documents and related enes (authors,
organisaons, etc.) and oers an alternave way of exploring search results. Nevertheless, a classical
search list is sll also featured. For example, the user can click on an author name and retrieve all docu-
ments authored by this person. To ensure a smooth user experience, dedicated tools allow us to sepa-
rate dierent authors with the same name or connect dierent versions of the same document. The
Adapve Training Support provides illustrated feedback to the user in order to help her get familiar
with the plaorm and all its features (for example by recommending features the user has not tried so
far). You can try out the plaorm at hps://moving.mz.test.tu-dresden.de/. Don’t forget to send us
any feedback that you might have!
We have already entered the second half of the second year of our project. We are pleased to an-
nounce that the rst prototype of the MOVING plaorm, based on the rst set of user requirements,
has become publicly available! In parallel to this, we connued the development of individual soware
components of the plaorm such as video analysis, scienc gures search and hypothesis tesng for
web interacon paerns, and a number of scienc publicaons detailing the results were further pro-
duced. We also iniated the implementaon of the two user studies, regarding the research on busi-
ness informaon by public administrators, and managing and mining research informaon by research-
ers, and we will soon start their evaluaon. Finally, the MOVING consorum connued in this period to
parcipate in several scienc and industrial events.
The MOVING search page
P A G E 2
The history
view of
Tools - Demos - Results
User requirements and initial implementation of user
The user requirements are the result of the analyses performed during the rst year of the project. Most
of these requirements have been implemented already in the MOVING plaorm. During our last project
meeng, the requirements list was extensively discussed and re-priorized, so that most important re-
quirements are made available in the rst public release of the plaorm. The search and faceted search
funconalies have been almost completely implemented, and so are the data sources that the queries
rely on to provide results. The concept graph, a very important user requirement, is implemented and
ready to use. In order to test the user acceptance and evaluate the use of the plaorm, we will conduct
user studies, taking place during the last months of the project’s second year. The evaluaons of these
studies will provide insight on what needs to be improved regarding the implementaon of the require-
ments. That will then lead to a beer user experience, which we will test and evaluate again to check for
improvements. These studies are key to the funconalies of the plaorm and future implementaons.
widget of the
A rst version of the learning-how-to-search” widget is im-
plemented in the MOVING plaorm. The MOVING user can
use the widget and become a search expert. The widget
provides feedback about the user’s search behavior in order
to nudge the user to experiment with dierent search func-
onalies and corresponding visualisaons available on the
plaorm. For this, it presents a bar chart showing usage sta-
scs for each feature, allowing the user to get a quick over-
view of the own behavior. Occasionally, the widget prompts
quesons targeng dierent search-related topics, like
poinng to less used or new features and at a later stage
asking about the most sasfactory or favorite features. The
feedback textbox gives the user the opportunity to write
down his/her thoughts immediately, for revising them at a
later point in me.
“Learning-how-to-search” widget
The history view in the search results of
the MOVING plaorm shows the dierent
versions of laws and regulaons, as show
in the gure on the right. The history view
can help compliance ocers to track the
evoluon of these documents over me
and refer to a specic version, if needed.
It disnguishes dierent kinds of events,
such as paral alteraon and rewrite. The
laws and regulaons dataset was provided
by Wolters Kluwer within the H2020 pro-
The history view of the search results in the platform
The history view for the word “Gesetz” (“Law”)
and user
studies status
Concept graph visualisation
P A G E 3 I S S U E 3
The Concept graph is a node-link representaon that oers a
novel way to nd and explore data in the MOVING plaorm.
It shows the connecons between the search results and
related features (enes), such as authors, their aliaons,
and publicaon dates. Addional enes, such as subjects,
keywords or locaons may be added in the future. The user
can explore the result set by navigang along relaonships
connecng documents and enes. Aer entering a query in
the search eld, the 12 most relevant results will be dis-
played as nodes in a circular fashion. Hovering over a node
will display informaon about the document and double-
clicking will open the document in a new browser tab. Click-
ing on a node will expand the graph by displaying directly
connected nodes, such as the authors of the document or
the publicaon year. By expanding a node, both new con-
nected nodes and their connecons to other already visible
nodes are added to the graph. The user can quickly navigate
through a network of relevant nodes starng from the re-
sults of the entered search query. For example, by expanding
a document node the user could discover a connecon to
other documents, which were published by the same author
or year (or both).
URank visualisation
uRank is an interacve web-based tool implemented in the
MOVING plaorm, that supports users during exploratory
search. The approach combines lightweight text analycs
and a stacked-bar-based visualisaon to convey a content-
based ranking of documents in a search result set. The key of
this approach lies in its dynamic nature, supported by a user-
driven method for updang the ranking visualisaon that
allows users to rene their search interest as they evolve
during exploraon. The documents and their keywords are
passed to the uRank user interface, which consists of three
main components: i) The Tag Box, which oers a summary
of the document collecon by represenng extracted key-
words as tags. ii) The Query Box, which is a container where
the user drops keywords of parcular interest. iii) The Docu-
ment List, which shows the hits sorted according to user-
selected keywords. Each hit includes the document tle, its
ranking posion informaon, and a stacked bar chart de-
picng relevance scores in terms of user-selected keywords
(i.e. keywords in the Query Box). Changes in the ranking
representaon originate from manipulang keyword tags
within the Query Box in three dierent ways: i) addion by
dragging and dropping tags from the Tag Box, ii) weight
tuning through keyword-sliders, and iii) deleon. As the
user selects terms of interest, the ranking visualisaon
brings related documents to the top and pushes down less
relevant ones. Finally, the uRank interface includes a topi-
cal tag cloud that summarises the content of the result set,
and provides means for dynamic, user interest-driven re-
ranking and exploraon of search results.
The concept graph with the expanded nodes
The URank tool in the MOVING plaorm
The expanded
ring-menu of
a node and
the created
workshop at
ACMMM 2017
P A G E 4
The MOVING-organised workshop MulEdTech2017 at ACMMM 2017 was successfully concluded on
October 27th in Mountain View, California, USA. A keynote talk and four oral paper presentaons were
delivered at the workshop and sparked very interesng discussions on mulmedia-based educaonal
and knowledge technologies, and parcularly on visualisaon technologies on mulmedia content avail-
able in specialised learning plaorms, the Web, mobile devices and/or social networks for supporng
personalised and adapve e-learning and training. You can nd the complete set of presentaons in the
workshop’s website. The workshop’s proceedings have also been made available by the ACM, and can
be accessed at hps://dl.acm.org/citaon.cfm?id=3132390 .
Successful organisation of MultiEdTech 2017
Communication and dissemination activities
Evoluon, rather than revoluon, was our guiding principle for de-
signing the new logo of the project. The new logo, pictured on the
right, looks modern and fresh, and at the same me is unmistakably MOVING”: with its colors and de-
sign, it maintains the visual idenfy that the project has been building since day one.
as a Cloud-Based Decision Sup-
port Service” at MOPGP’17. The
presentaon contained the ex-
amples from the Delphi survey
performed within the MOVING
project, and over 100 experts
from all over the world aended
this session where a long and
vivid discussion took place.
The paper Mulcriteria decision
planning with ancipatory net-
works”, was successfully present-
ed by Dr. A.M.J. Skulimowski
from PBF at MCDM 2017 confer-
ence. Over 200 top experts from
32 countries took part in the con-
ference, and the paper will be
published as a book chapter in
the MCDM2017 post proceedings
by the CRC Press. Also the paper
“Applicaons of the reference set
method to the priorizaon of
technological strategies of a
knowledge repository” was pre-
sented at SOCA’17. The paper
referred to the elaboraon of
technological hints arising from
the Delphi survey performed in
MOVING. Finally, Prof. Dr. A.M.J.
Skulimowski was invited to give
the talk on “Expert Delphi Survey
MOVING presentations on future prospects and exploit-
ation strategy at MCDM’17, SOCA’17 and MOPGP’17
Query, Aitor Apaolaza and Mar-
kel Vigo were awarded the best
paper award at the conference!
WevQuery is built in the context
of the MOVING project, where a
dashboard for user interacon
analysis provides behavioural
data to other tasks, including the
learning-how-to-search widget
that generates personalised
learning opportunies.
MOVING paper awarded @ EICS 2017!
The paper
Tesng Hy-
about Web
Paerns” was
presented by
Aitor Apaolaza at the 9th ACM
SIGCHI Symposium on Engineer-
ing Interacve Compung Sys-
tems (EICS’2017). WevQuery sup-
ports the tesng of hypothesis
about user interacon, by allow-
ing designers to create queries
based on event sequences easily.
This way WevQuery makes com-
plex and low-level web interac-
on events, such as mouse move-
ment and key presses, accessible
to users with lile or none query-
ing experse. A demo was also
presented, allowing the confer-
ence aendees to use Wev-
Query’s interface to create their
queries. For their work on Wev-
New MOVING logo
MOVING paper
awarded @ EICS
Two papers and
a talk at
SOCA’17 and
Brief news: recent and upcoming events
A paper on “Content Recommendaon through Semanc Annotaon of User Reviews and Linked Data“ by I. Vagliano, D.
Mon, A. Scherp, M. Morisio was presented at the 9th Internaonal Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP2017), Aus-
n, Texas, United States, 4th-6th December 2017.
Two talks on “Reranking-based Recommender System with Deep Learning“ by A. Saleh, F. Mai, C. Nishioka, A. Scherp and
on “Word Embeddings for Praccal Informaon Retrieval” by L. Galke, A. Saleh, A. Scherp were given in the workshop on
“Deep Learning in heterogenen Datenbeständen” (at 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellscha fuer Informak) - ws34-dlhd
( 2017 ), Chemnitz, Germany, 25th -29th September 2017.
The paper SemRevRec: A Recommender System based on User Reviews and Linked Data”, by I. Vagliano, D. Mon, M.
Morisio was presented in the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. Como, Italy, 27th-31st August 2017.
A paper on “Cognive Content Recommendaon in Digital Knowledge Repositories a Survey of Recent Trendswas pre-
sented in the 16th Internaonal Conference on Arcial Intelligence and So Compung (ICAISC'2017), Zakopane, Poland,
June 11-15, 2017.
A paper on "Linear Maximum Margin Classier for Learning from Uncertain Data", by C. Tzelepis, V. Mezaris, and I. Patras,
was accepted for publicaon in the IEEE Transacons on Paern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
More news about these and other MOVING acvies:
P A G E 5
MOVING successfully parcipated in the 2nd World OER Congress held in Ljubljana, Slove-
nia, from September 18-20 2017, by organising the satellite event tled “Technologies for
OER and Open educaon: European research projects showcase session”. The MOVING
satellite event was an opportunity for presenng the latest developments in various MOV-
ING-related technologies (video understanding, advanced visualisaon, search technolo-
gies, smart learning etc.) and had about 25 parcipants from dierent sectors (EC, compa-
nies, policy makers), including teachers, researchers, linguists, IPR lawyers, public adminis-
trators etc. You can watch the presentaons online at: hp://videolectures. net/
oercongress2017_satellite _events/. Further to the satellite event, MOVING was also pre-
sent by having a stand with demos and videos at the main congress exhibion hall,
throughout the duraon of the congress. This allowed us to disseminate MOVING to more
than 500 aendees from 111 countries. Most of them were high-level policy makers, repre-
senng the ministry of educaon or other similar enes of their country.
The MOVING project
and its exploitaon
potenal have been
presented by Prof. Dr.
Andrzej M.J. Sku-
limowski (PBF) at the
Expert Seminar on
“Exploitaon of the
MOVING results by academic communies at the PBF’s
premises in Kraków on June 30, 2017. 12 experts from 7
Polish instuons took part in this event. Also, a seminar for
students and young researchers, including a presentaon of
the MOVING knowledge repository capabilies and a discus-
sion on knowledge repository in the context of decision sup-
port, e-science, business models and forecasng was orga-
nized by the DSS Laboratory of the AGH University of Science
and Technology, the Student Scienc Society on Financial
Modelling, and the PBF at the AGH premises in Kraków on
June 22, 2017. 22 parcipants, mostly PhD students from the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automac Control, Comput-
er Science and Biomedical Engineering, and MSc students
from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robocs of
the AGH UST, took part in this event that comprised alto-
gether 12 presentaons and discussions.
The MOVING stand
Successful presentations of MOVING and exhibition stand at the
2017 OER congress
MOVING presented in 2 seminars in Kraków
P A G E 6 I S S U E 3
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovaon pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 693092
Project Coordinator: Dr. Vasileios Mezaris
Address: Informaon Technologies Instute (ITI),
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
(CERTH) 6th Km Charilaou - Thermi Road, 57001
Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +302311 257770, Fax: +302310 474128
E-mail: bmezaris@i.gr
Full Title: TraininG towards a society of data-
saVvy informaon prOfessionals to enable open
leadership INnovaon”
Project Idener: H2020 - 693092
Start Date: 1st April 2016
End Date: 31st March 2019
Duraon: 36 months
Contact Details
Project Details
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas
Informaon Technologies Instute
Ernst & Young GmbH
Technische Universität Dresden
Instut Jožef Stefan
ZBW-Leibniz Informaon Centre for Economics
The University of Manchester
GESIS-Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences
Fundacja Progress and Business