Welcome to our second Newsletter
I S S U E :
Welcome 1
User require-
ments status
SciFis tool 2
WevQuery sys-
“Learning How
to Search”
“Rising star” at
ACM Mulme-
dia 2016
open door day
Joint research
MOVING organ-
ised event
MulEdTech 5
MOVING paper
awarded at
Brief news: re-
cent and up-
coming events
Contact details 6
User requirements were structured and their
implementation has started
J U N E 2 0 1 7
I S S U E 2
The output of the
user requirements
analysis (Deliverable
D1.1: User require-
ments and specica-
on of the use cas-
es) consists of inial
requirements con-
cerning the follow-
ing topics: search eld, search list, faceted search, visualisaons, document search and analysis, video
search and analysis, adapve training support, community, user management and accessibility. Fur-
thermore, the user requirements are complemented by the development and connuous tesng of the
plaorm mock-ups. The analysis was performed following a mixed methods approach for Use Case 1 on
training public administrators, as well as for Use Case 2 on training young researchers. The approach
included interviews with junior and senior professionals, brainstorming sessions, competors analysis
and analysis of internaonal standards for the extracon of user requirements. Moreover, it included
literature reviews, semi-structured interviews and a qualitave content analysis for the idencaon of
requirements. Almost 150 in total, the requirements are well structured and their implementaon has
already started. In the following year we will connue the implementaon on the plaorm and update
the requirements list according to collected feedback and analyses results from focus groups.
We have already entered the second year of our project. First development outcomes are now availa-
ble. The rst prototype of the MOVING plaorm, based on the rst set of user requirements, was
demonstrated during the rst review and and will soon become publicly available. The development of
other soware components for video analysis, scienc gures search and hypothesis tesng for web
interacon paerns has progressed, and a number of scienc publicaons detailing the results were
produced. Several scienc and industrial events have also been organised. Overall, in the rst year the
project progressed according to the plan, and all milestones dened were achieved. The MOVING con-
sorum is now in place to culminate its eorts and successfully deliver its main results during its second
Photo from a
mock-up brain-
storming session
P A G E 2
SciFis, a search
engine tool for
SciFis tool
SciFis is a search engine tool for scienc gures based on extracted text. Scienc gures such as bar
charts, pie charts, maps, scaer plots, or similar infographics oen include valuable textual informaon,
which is not present in the surrounding text. The SciFis tool allows searching in such infographics in open
access publicaons (such as journals, working papers and conferences in business studies and econom-
ics) and thus oers new ways in accessing them. You can visit SciFis at hp://broca.informak.uni-
Tools - Demos - Results
The WevQuery is a scalable system for
tesng hypotheses about web interac-
on paerns. Remotely stored user
interacon logs give access to a wealth
of data generated by large numbers of
users which can be used to understand
if interacve systems meet the expecta-
ons of designers. Unfortunately, de-
tailed insight into users’ interacon
behaviour sll requires a high degree of
experse. WevQuery allows designers
to test their hypotheses about users’
behaviour by using a graphical notaon
to dene the interacon paerns they are seeking. WevQuery is scalable as the queries can then be exe-
cuted against large user interacon datasets by employing the MapReduce paradigm. This way Wev-
Query provides designers eortless access to harvest users’ interacon paerns, removing the burden of
low-level interacon data analysis. You can nd more informaon regarding the system and download it
under: hps://github.com/aapaolaza/WevQuery
WevQuery A scalable system for testing hypotheses
about web interaction patterns
The web event
query tool
P A G E 3 I S S U E 2
Initial prototype of the MOVING platform at the first project review
Communication and dissemination activities
The rst review of the project was successfully completed in May 2017. The meeng was held in Kiel and was hosted by ZBW
on the 31st of May 2017. Among the rst year deliverables, the demonstraons and the overall project progress that were
presented, the consorum successfully presented the inial prototype of the MOVING plaorm that will soon become avail-
able to the public.
The ACM SIGMM Rising Stars Symposium honours selected SIGMM members’ research and con-
tribuon to the community. Among six selected rising SIGMM members, Dr. Ansgar Scherp from
ZBW presented his research work, including the MOVING project, in his presentaon entled
“About mulmedia presentaon generaon and mulmedia metadata: From synthesis to analy-
sis and back?”. The SIGMM Rising Stars Symposium took place in October during the 24th ACM Mulmedia Conference in
Amsterdam, Netherlands. For more details please visit: hp://www.acmmm.org/2016/?page_id=706
Dr. Ansgar Scherp is a “Rising star” at ACM Multimedia 2016
“Learning How to Search” widget
The "Learning How to Search” widget is now part of the MOVING plaorm. The widget helps the user
to get familiar with the plaorm and all its features. The latest version of MOVING integrates the rst
prototype of the widget in its user interface. It gives a graphical feedback about the user's feature
usage and provides guidance to explore more about the plaorm, for example features the user has
not tried so far.
Joined Research
collaboraon for
of textual data
P A G E 4
of the consorum partner ZBW
-- Leibniz-Informaon Centre
for Economics is involved. The
group develops in MOVING
advanced tools and methods
for the processing and im-
proved understanding of textu-
al data.
The EU H2020 projects ALIGNED
(hp://aligned-project.eu/) and
MOVING have established a joint
collaboraon on the exchange of
knowledge and datasets for text
and data mining. The goal is to
gain improved representaon
models and understanding of
textual content used in the two
projects. The consorum partner
Wolters Kluwer Germany of
ALIGNED brings in its strong ex-
perse in informaon services
and knowledge about the repre-
sentaon and processing of da-
tasets in the legal, business and
tax sectors domains. In MOVING,
the Knowledge Discovery group
Joint research collaboration for ALIGNED and MOVING
results of their work to people
from all societal sectors
(companies, universies, public
administraon) who can benet
from a fundamental improve-
ment of their informaon litera-
cy. As informaon literacy itself
is emerging as a disnct skill set
and a necessary key to one's so-
cial and economic well-being in
an increasingly complex infor-
maon society, it is also im-
portant in the contemporary
environment of rapid technologi-
cal change and proliferang in-
formaon resources, to give it
the place it demands in educa-
on, specically open educaon.
A detailed program for this MOV-
ING event will be announced
MOVING organises a special dis-
seminaon event within the up-
coming 2nd World Open Educa-
onal Resources Congress in
Ljubljana, Slovenia in 18-20 Sep-
tember 2017: a special one-day
showcase session tled
“Technologies for OER and Open
Educaon”, which aims to im-
prove the innovave capacity of
the European society
(informaon literacy, infor-
maon management and
knowledge management). This
event follows the Digital Agenda
for Europe, stang “Member
States to mainstream eLearning
in naonal policies for the mod-
ernisaon of educaon and
training, including in curricula,
assessment of learning outcomes
and the professional develop-
ment of teachers and trainers”. It
will allow actors currently in-
volved in open educaon,
knowledge management and
informaon management pro-
jects in Europe to present the
organises event
at the 2nd OER
MOVING organises a special dissemination event at the
2nd World OER Congress
MOVING at the
ITI’s Open Door
The MOVING project, with special emphasis on its
research results in video analysis and their appli-
caon to training, where demonstrated at the
2017 ITI open day, which took place on May 16th
in Thessaloniki, Greece. The MOVING lecture vid-
eo analysis demo was shown to more than 200
visitors, including university students and faculty
members from various disciplines, business repre-
sentaves, and the general public.
MOVING demonstration at the ITI’s open door day
P A G E 5
parcipated in
a variety of
Brief news: recent and upcoming events
The paper Concept Language Models and Event-
based Concept Number Selecon for Zero-example
Event Detecon”, by D. Galanopoulos, F. Markatopou-
lou, V. Mezaris, and I. Patras, received the Best Poster
Award at the ACM ICMR 2017 conference that took
place in Bucharest, Romania, 6th-9th June 2017.
poster award at
MOVING paper awarded at the ACM ICMR 2017
We are pleased to announce that MOVING organises
the 1st Internaonal Workshop on Educaonal and
Knowledge Technologies (MulEdTech2017) at the
ACM Mulmedia Conference that will take place on
October 23 27, 2017 at Mountain View, CA, USA. The
date for paper submission is 19 July 2017. For further
details about the topics of the workshop, the submis-
sion of papers and the program commiee please visit the webpage of the MulEdTech2017 workshop.
2017 workshop
at ACM
Mulmedia 2017
MOVING organises the MultiEdTech 2017 workshop
ZBW organised a workshop for economists, on Text and Data Mining (TDM) in economics”, and
presented MOVING to researchers from several economics research instuons The workshop was
held at the ZBW premises in Hamburg on 25 Nov. 2016.
Two MOVING works, on automated text extracon from scholarly gures and on video search, where
presented at the 23rd Int. Conference on Mulmedia Modeling (MMM), in Jan. 2017.
An overview presentaon on content recommendaon and its applicaons to incremental learning
was given at the 113th Int. Conf. on Arcial Intelligence and So Compung (ICAISC), in Jan. 2017.
MOVING was presented in the ScaDS retreat, held at Laubusch, Germany in Jan. 2017.
A presentaon of the MOVING plaorm capabilies was given at the Final IESI Conference on 'ICT-
Enabled Social Innovaon to support the implementaon of the EU Social Investment Package', in
Brussels, Belgium at the Commiee of the EC Regions, in March 2017.
MOVING’s work on adapve and reecve training support for improving search behaviour in Industry
4.0 was presented at the 9th Conf. on Professional Knowledge Management, in April 2017.
Two MOVING video analysis papers and a demo paper were presented at the ACM Int. Conf. on
Mulimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2017), and a paper on machine learning for video analysis was presented
at the 12th IEEE Int. Conf. on Automac Face and Gesture Recognion (FG), both held in June 2017.
A presentaon on WevQuery: a scalable system for tesng hypotheses about web interacon paerns
was given at the 9th ACM SIGCHI Symp. on Engineering Interacve Compung Systems, in June 2017.
MOVING technology and use cases were presented by Prof. Dr. Köhler and discussed in the Workshop
“Democracy 4.0 - opportunity or risk? Media change and parcipaon in local polics”, held in June
(on the open city hall day) in Dresden with the parcipaon of local policians, researchers and about
50 cizens, and in an invited lecture tled “Moving Science toward 2.0?” delivered at the Leibniz Ins-
tute for Psychology Informaon (ZPID) in Trier at the end of June.
Find out more details about these and other events where MOVING was present at:
P A G E 6 I S S U E 2
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovaon pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 693092
Project Coordinator: Dr. Vasileios Mezaris
Address: Informaon Technologies Instute (ITI),
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
(CERTH) 6th Km Charilaou - Thermi Road, 57001
Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece
Fax: +302310 474128
Tel: +302311 257770
E-mail: bmezaris@i.gr
Full Title: “TraininG towards a society of data-
saVvy informaon prOfessionals to enable open
leadership INnovaon”
Project Idener: H2020 - 693092
Start Date: 1st April 2016
End Date: 31st March 2019
Duraon: 36 months
Contact Details
Project Details
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas
Informaon Technologies Instute
Ernst & Young GmbH
Technische Universität Dresden
Instut Jozef Stefan
ZBW-Leibniz Informaon Centre for Economics
The University of Manchester
GESIS-Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences
Fundacja Progress and Business