Joined Research
collaboraon for
of textual data
P A G E 4
of the consorum partner ZBW
-- Leibniz-Informaon Centre
for Economics is involved. The
group develops in MOVING
advanced tools and methods
for the processing and im-
proved understanding of textu-
al data.
The EU H2020 projects ALIGNED
(hp://aligned-project.eu/) and
MOVING have established a joint
collaboraon on the exchange of
knowledge and datasets for text
and data mining. The goal is to
gain improved representaon
models and understanding of
textual content used in the two
projects. The consorum partner
Wolters Kluwer Germany of
ALIGNED brings in its strong ex-
perse in informaon services
and knowledge about the repre-
sentaon and processing of da-
tasets in the legal, business and
tax sectors domains. In MOVING,
the Knowledge Discovery group
Joint research collaboration for ALIGNED and MOVING
results of their work to people
from all societal sectors
(companies, universies, public
administraon) who can benet
from a fundamental improve-
ment of their informaon litera-
cy. As informaon literacy itself
is emerging as a disnct skill set
and a necessary key to one's so-
cial and economic well-being in
an increasingly complex infor-
maon society, it is also im-
portant in the contemporary
environment of rapid technologi-
cal change and proliferang in-
formaon resources, to give it
the place it demands in educa-
on, specically open educaon.
A detailed program for this MOV-
ING event will be announced
MOVING organises a special dis-
seminaon event within the up-
coming 2nd World Open Educa-
onal Resources Congress in
Ljubljana, Slovenia in 18-20 Sep-
tember 2017: a special one-day
showcase session tled
“Technologies for OER and Open
Educaon”, which aims to im-
prove the innovave capacity of
the European society
(informaon literacy, infor-
maon management and
knowledge management). This
event follows the Digital Agenda
for Europe, stang “Member
States to mainstream eLearning
in naonal policies for the mod-
ernisaon of educaon and
training, including in curricula,
assessment of learning outcomes
and the professional develop-
ment of teachers and trainers”. It
will allow actors currently in-
volved in open educaon,
knowledge management and
informaon management pro-
jects in Europe to present the
organises event
at the 2nd OER
MOVING organises a special dissemination event at the
2nd World OER Congress
MOVING at the
ITI’s Open Door
The MOVING project, with special emphasis on its
research results in video analysis and their appli-
caon to training, where demonstrated at the
2017 ITI open day, which took place on May 16th
in Thessaloniki, Greece. The MOVING lecture vid-
eo analysis demo was shown to more than 200
visitors, including university students and faculty
members from various disciplines, business repre-
sentaves, and the general public.
MOVING demonstration at the ITI’s open door day