Welcome to our first Newsletter
I S S U E :
Welcome 1
What is
Concept and
RecSys tool
Online demo
for lecture
in TrecVid
Interview at
in ESWC 2016
Recent and
Who we are 5
Contact details 6
What is MOVING?
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 6
I S S U E 1
daily research tasks. We argue
that this type of informaon lit-
eracy is important for one to
become a data-savvy informaon
professional, and will have a de-
cisive impact on the innovave
capacity of the European society.
MOVING is a three-year "Re-
search and Innovaon Acon"
that started in April 2016 and is
implemented by a mulnaonal
consorum. MOVING’s goal is to
develop an innovave training
plaorm that will enable people
from all societal sectors (compa-
nies, universies, public admin-
istraon) to fundamentally im-
prove their informaon literacy
by training how to use, choose
and evaluate data/text mining
methods in connecon with their
We would like to welcome you to the rst issue of the MOVING Newsleer.
We aim to inform the community, our readers and supporters of what has been achieved and produced
during the course of the project. In this rst issue, in pages 1 and 2, we outline the concept and the ap-
proach taken in MOVING and how our plaorm tackles all parts of an e-learning system. Some rst re-
sults of the project, as well as informaon on selected disseminaon acvies that took place in the
rst six months of the project, are presented in pages 2, 3 and 4. Since this is our rst newsleer, we
conclude in pages 5 and 6 with a short presentaon of each MOVING partner and the project’s details
and contact informaon.
P A G E 2
a publicaon
system for
diagram of the
plaorm and
its three key
MOVING concept and approach
The MOVING project will train people to cope
with the large amount of Internet-based infor-
maon they are faced with as part of their daily
professional dues. The core challenge of our
current knowledge society is not the access to
informaon itself, but whether people have the
ability to manage this informaon in a profes-
sional way. Responding to this challenge, the
project will develop the open, innovaon train-
ing plaorm “MOVING”, which will serve as:
a) A working environment for the quality and
usability analysis of large text collecons and
free online contents with data mining methods,
equally open to people from science, public
administraon and business.
b) A training environment with informaon,
training and exchange oers in the broad eld
of digital informaon management.
c) A community of pracce where people can exchange ideas on problems, share soluons and experi-
ences with each other.
Tools - Demos - Results
EconBiz RecSys tool
guraons, i.e. HCF-IDF using
only tles of papers and HCF-IDF
using both tles and full-texts of
papers. Dierent from the tradi-
onal methods, HCF-IDF can pro-
vide compeve recommenda-
ons already using only tles.
You can access the tool at:
This is a tool developed by MOV-
ING partner ZBW that delivers
recommended scienc papers
in economics, based on what a
user tweeted about. It proles
papers as well as tweets using
our novel method HCF-IDF
(Hierarchical Concept Frequency
Inverse Document Frequency).
HCF-IDF extracts semanc con-
cepts from texts and applies
spreading acvaon based on a
hierarchical thesaurus, which is
freely available in many dierent
domains. Spreading acvaon
enables to extract relevant se-
manc concepts which are not
menoned in texts, and mi-
gates shortness and sparseness
of texts. The novel HCF-IDF
method demonstrated the best
performance in a larger user ex-
periment published at JCDL’16.
In the web-accessible demo of
the EconBiz RecSys tool, you may
compare the two dierent con-
P A G E 3 I S S U E 1
Online demo for lecture videos
Participation in the TRECVID benchmarking activity
Communication and Dissemination activities
ments this year were performed on a
set of Internet Archive videos totaling
about 600 hours of video duraon, and
using 30 dierent queries. Our fully au-
tomac runs performed very well in this
challenging task, compared to the runs
of the other parcipang instuons
from all over the world. Specically, our
best run was ranked 2nd-best, achieving
an inferred average precision of 0.051
(compared to 0.054 reached by the best
-performing parcipant in the fully-
automac category, and 0.040 reached
by the 3rd best-performing one). Inter-
esngly, our fully automac runs also
compared favorably to the manually-
assisted runs that were submied to
AVS: with an inferred average precision
of 0.051, our best fully automac run
also outperformed the runs of all but
one parcipant in the manually-assisted
run category. We also had very good
results in the event-based annotaon
task (MED), where we tested our ma-
chine learning techniques for video an-
notaon, using a variable number of
training samples. Our parcipaon in
the AVS and MED tasks this year was
jointly supported by MOVING and by
another H2020 EU project, InVID.
MOVING, via its
consorum mem-
ber CERTH, suc-
cessfully parci-
pated in the Ad-
hoc Video Search
(AVS) and event-
based annotaon
(MED) tasks of
TRECVID 2016. The AVS task aempts to
model the end-user video search use-
case, where the user is looking for seg-
ments of video containing persons, ob-
jects, acvies, locaons, etc. and com-
binaons of the former. The experi-
Interview about MOVING to ZBW-mediatalk
ZBW’s interview about MOVING
The interacve
online demo for
lecture videos
such as automacally detected shots,
scenes, and visual concepts. You can
access the demo at: hp://mulmedia2
ing-demo/results.html (best viewed wi-
th Firefox).
MOVING partner CERTH released an
interacve online demo linking lecture
videos, using general purpose concepts
that were produced from textual analy-
sis of their transcripts, with non-lecture
videos, using their visual analysis results
low the link:
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Schrep illustrated the
project details for ZBW-mediatalk, a
blog about technologies, services and
innovaons for libraries and media
companies. For more details please fol-
CERTH is going to pre-
sent in ACM Mulme-
dia 2016 a new transfer
learning approach that
leads to beer concept-based video annotaon
than exisng state-of-the-art methods.
Recent and upcoming events
CERTH presented at the ICIP
2016 confernece a new ma-
chine learning method that
takes the input data uncer-
tainty into consideraon dur-
ing training. This method is applicable for various
video understanding problems such as video event
detecon and video aesthec assessment. You can
get access to the full paper text at: hps://
ZBW gave a presenta-
on at the JCDL’ 2016
of a novel HCF-IDF pro-
ling method that will
be used in the MOVING plaorm. Titles of scien-
c publicaons are sucient to achieve compe-
ve recommendaon results when employing this
novel method. You can get more informaon
about this paper at: hps://zenodo.org/record/61
TUD presented at
the Internaonal
Science 2.0 con-
ference the MOV-
ING project. You can get more informaon about
this presentaon at: hps://www.open-science-
PBF presented at the ICMFII’
2016 conference an applica-
on of a roadmapping meth-
odology to establish a strate-
gic plan for an innovave
knowledge repository that
could provide dynamically
updated economic informaon, online courses
and other data. PBF also illustrated an example of
building an exploitaon strategy for the digital
plaorm of MOVING.
TUD parcipated in the internaonal European
doctoral summer school in Linz, Austria (hp://
www.edu-tech.eu/?pid=49) and in the rst Asian
summer school in Yogjakarta, Indonesia (hp://
icvet.uny.ac.id/node/350), where Prof. Dr. Thomas
Köhler presented the MOVING project.
parcipated in
a variety of
and summer
Successful participation in ESWC 2016
You can get access to the full paper text at: hps://zenodo.org/record/61520#.V-D4uTW9Hao
Parcipaon in
the 13th
Semanc Web
P A G E 4
ject on the video analysis ser-
vices, a scienc paper recom-
mender and the MOVING
plaorm based on TU Dresden’s
eScience plaorm were present-
ed. For more details please fol-
low the link: hp://2016.eswc
The MOVING project parcipat-
ed with an own presentaon in
the EU Project Networking Ses-
sion at ESWC on Wednesday,
June 1st, 2016. In total 14 EU
projects parcipated in the ses-
sion. For MOVING several highly
relevant connecons not only to
other projects but also to further
potenal industry partners were
made. During the session, early
prototypes of the MOVING pro-
consists of
public and
partners ; in
total, 9
industrial, and
from Greece,
Slovenia, UK,
and Poland
MOVING consortium - who we are
P A G E 5
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), is the only re-
search centre in Northern Greece and one of the largest in the country.
CERTH parcipates in this project through Informaon Technologies
Instute (ITI) with the Mulmedia Knowledge and Social Data Analycs lab (MKLab), with experi-
ence and scienc experse in collecon, indexing and mining of mulmedia and social network data
from heterogeneous Internet sources. hp://www.i.gr
EY (Ernst & Young) is one of the largest privately-held rms providing ac-
counng, tax, transacon and advisory services. EY has more than 700 oces
providing auding and accounng services in 140 countries with worldwide
145.000 professionals (auditors, tax advisory professionals, transacons spe-
cialists and advisers). hp://www.ey.com/Home
Technische Universitat Dresden (TUD) is a leading university in Ger-
many and one of 11 German universies that were idened as
“University of Excellence” in 2012. TUD parcipates in this project
through the Media Centre (MZ). MZ lead by Prof. Kohler covers specialists for the areas of infor-
maon and computer science, audio-visual media, didaccs, psychology and business engineering.
The Know-Center (KC) is Austria’s centre for data-driven business and
big data analycs. KC conducts applicaon-oriented research in coop-
eraon with other academic instuons and with companies. KC par-
cipates in this project through Ubiquitous Personal Compung
group which researches computer-supported working and workplace learning, and the Knowledge
Visualizaon group which develops visual analycs methods for exploraon and interacve analysis
of large repositories. hp://www.know-center.tugraz.at/
Instut Jozef Stefan (JSI) is the leading Slovenian research instuon
covering research in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. JSI
parcipates in this project through the Centre for Knowledge Transfer
in Informaon Technologies which specializes in the areas of research results disseminaon and
eLearning. The centre is well known by portals: VideoLectures.NET, ScienceAtlas.ijs.si and IST-
World.Org. hps://www.ijs.si/ijsw/JSI
Leibniz Informaon Centre for Economics (ZBW) is a public research ins-
tute and has a high-tech informaon infrastructure, conducng research in
computer science and related areas and develops technologies for oper-
ang the IT infrastructure for its own library, which is the world’s largest
specialist library for economics. ZBW parcipates in this project through
The research group Science2.0 which focus its research on Big Data and Science 2.0.
The University of Manchester (UMAN) is the largest single-site universi-
ty in the UK, with the biggest student community. UMAN parcipates in
this project through the Bio-Health Informacs Group which carries out
research on the development and applicaon of complex artefacts such as ontologies for the health
and life sciences. hp://www.manchester.ac.uk/
P A G E 6 I S S U E 1
MOVING consortium - who we are
GESIS – Leibniz-Instute for the Social Sciencess (GESIS) is the largest
German infrastructure instute for the social sciences. GESIS parcipates
in this project through the Knowledge Technologies for the Social Scienc-
es (WTS) which is focused on advancing and improving digital services for
the Social Sciences. WTS is carrying out research in the elds Web Science, Semanc Web, Linked
Open Data and Informaon Retrieval. hp://www.gesis.org/en/instute/
Fundacja Progress and Business (PBF) is an independent research instuon and a
leader in implemenng best research and consultancy pracces in Poland. PBF par-
cipates in this project through the Internaonal Centre for Decision Sciences and
Forecasng (ICDSF) which is specialized unit of the PBF that organizes and carries
out research on the foundaons of Arcial Intelligence and cognive sciences, decision support sys-
tems, mulcriteria decision analysis, informaon retrieval and data mining for forecasng and fore-
sight and discrete-event systems. hp://www.pbf.pl
Project Coordinator: Dr. Vasileios Mezaris
Address: Informaon Technologies Instute (ITI),
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
(CERTH) 6th Km Charilaou - Thermi Road, 57001
Thermi - Thessaloniki, Greece
Fax: +302310 474128
Tel: +302311 257770
E-mail: bmezaris@i.gr
Full Title: TraininG towards a society of data-
saVvy informaon prOfessionals to enable open
leadership INnovaon”
Project Idener: H2020 - 693092
Start Date: 1st April 2016
End Date: 31st March 2019
Duraon: 36 months
Contact Details
Project Details
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovaon pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 693092